Administrators’ Toolbox

Welcome to the Next Generation Full Option Science System (FOSS)! As an administrator, you play a critical role in the implementation of a high-quality science program at your school. The purpose of this administration tool is to orient you to the important pieces of the curriculum and to highlight those areas where your support will make a difference in setting teachers up for success. Each of these areas is explained in the sections that follow for you to use as a guiding tool. These areas include:
There are a lot of important pieces to a successful FOSS implementation. They will not all be accomplished at once. We recommend looking ahead and forging a long-term plan for your science program together with all your stake-holders, e.g., teachers, administrators, families, board members, community partners, etc. Start with a vision for what science teaching and learning looks like in your system, then use these tools to set goals and yearly action plans for moving forward and monitoring successes and challenges. The key is to know the reality of your system, meet everyone where they are, and to keep a mindset of continuous improvement.
To orient yourself to the FOSS program we recommend reviewing some of the resources found in the ThinkLink Knowledge Base.
- About FOSS. Read the What is FOSS? article in the ThinkLink Knowledge Base. You can view the short video and then read the FOSS Program Goals from the link at the bottom of the page. Here you will find a description of how the FOSS program addresses scientific literacy, instructional efficiency, and systemic reform.
- A FOSS Module Overview from any FOSS Investigations Guide. You can review a printed copy or read it on FOSSweb on ThinkLink (go to any module from the Dashboard, open Module Resources -> Teaching Resources). The Overview chapter in the Investigations Guide describes in detail the components of the program, the instructional design, and other important features that provide opportunities for all students to engage fully in making sense of the natural world.
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