Teacher Tools

For more information, you can download the Teacher Resources chapter Grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8, or watch the Science-Centered Language Development video for grades 3-5 or grades 6-8.
The FOSS active investigations, science notebooks, FOSS Science Resources articles, and formative assessments provide rich contexts in which students develop and exercise thinking and communication. These elements are essential for effective instruction in both science and language arts—students experience the natural world in real and authentic ways and use language to inquire, process information, and communicate their thinking about scientific phenomena. The Science-Centered Language Development chapter is a library of resources and strategies for you to use to integrate literacy and language development into science investigations.
Resource Database
Each FOSS module and course includes a resources database, called Recommended Books and Websites, found on FOSSweb. The resources database includes annotated listings for nonfiction and fiction books for students, resource books for teachers, and web resources that extend the hands-on science activities in each FOSS module.
Students and families can view similar versions of the database through the student and family pages on FOSSweb. Students and families can login using the username and password provided by the student’s teacher to access the list of recommended books and websites.
You can download a list of books from all modules in the Next Generation and Third Editions:
This database is updated twice a year. We would love to hear about any books or other resources you are using with your students to enhance the FOSS modules. You can send your ideas and suggestions for this database to the FOSS staff at The Lawrence Hall of Science. Email us at foss@berkeley.edu.
Current teachers and administrators looking for FOSS instructional content can log in to ThinkLink here.